공지 & 안내

  • JW정원소식
  • JW정원 공지&안내
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수
JW정원성형외과 제증명 수수료 비용 안내 및 비급여 수가 내역 안내 관리자 24.06.12 98517
설철환 원장, 유방미용재건성형술 저서의 '겨드랑이절개 내시경 유방확대술' 집필   23.04.24 55057
233 설철환 원장님 중국 운남TV 방영 '아시아성형차트' 출현 14.07.15 5316
232 JW정원성형외과 6월 공휴일 진료안내 14.05.28 5036
231 JW정원성형외과와 파워블로거가 함께 한 '아테필 뷰티클래스' 14.02.10 20942
230 『Asian rhinoplasty』by Dr. Suh in JW was published. jwps 12.09.25 5003
229 Dr. Seul Chul-hwan delivered a speech in the International Academic Conference of Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and the 10th International Conference of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons jwps 12.09.27 5040
228 Dr. Choi Hong-lim delivered a speech in the 30th International Academic Conference of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and in the 10th International Conference of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons. jwps 12.09.27 5239
227 Dr. Suh Man-koon delivered a speech in the 30th international academic conference of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and the 10th international academic conference of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons. jwps 12.09.27 5298
226 Dr. Seul Chul-hwan Attended Silimed Live Surgery Symposium. jwps 12.09.27 5339
225 Dr. Seul was invited as a speaker from the symposium of the Mammaplsty Plastic Surgery Research Institute. jwps 12.10.05 5656
224 The Speech by Dr. Suh in 2012 Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum jwps 12.10.05 5308
223 The 9th Academic Symposium of the Eye Plastic Surgery Research Institute of the 2012 Korean Academy of Plastic Surgeons jwps 12.10.05 5123
222 The Introduction of Dr. Ahn Tae-joo, who gave the 42nd Hanyang Symposium Lecture.) jwps 12.10.05 5123
221 A dissertation written by Suh was registered into an American SCI. 12.10.05 5080


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